What is the Outer Gateway in Story Structure? (With Examples)

Giovanni Bernardino
3 min readFeb 28, 2023


Students file in and prepare for rehearsal, Whiplash (2014)

If you’re familiar with Three Act Structure, you might be familiar with the Outer Gateway. The Outer Gateway is a story structure term that can help clarify your Goal, start your journey with a bang, and separate your first two acts perfectly. Here’s a quick guide to get you started:

What Is The Outer Gateway?

The Outer Gateway is the fourth step in the story structure model Universal Story Language. It’s a moment that comes between Act 1 and Act 2, and it showcases the protag setting off on their journey. It usually showcases a large external change and a commitment to the Goal.

You may know this as the “Crossing of the First Threshold” in The Hero’s Journey or the “Go” in The Story Circle. In most cases, when writers talk about the ‘Outer Gateway’, they are referring to the scene that shows the protag starting their journey.

Here’s a diagram of Universal Story Language and where the Outer Gateway fits in:

A visual diagram of Universal Story Language, a resource from Plotwell

What Does It Do?

The Outer Gateway shows the protag setting off on their journey. It’s usually accompanied by a large external change, like a geographical change through a driving montage or a relational change as two characters begin dating. It bridges Act 1 and Act 2, and highlights the moment the protag fully commits to their Goal.

The easiest way to think about this moment is as the moment the protag starts their journey. It brings them from the Ordinary World of Act 1 to the New Situation of Act 2.

Some Examples

Here are a few examples of the Outer Gateway in action:

Example #1: The Lego Movie

Emmet and Wyldstyle fall through multicoloured tunnels, The Lego Movie (2014)

Here’s the Outer Gateway from 2014’s The Lego Movie:

Emmet and Wyldstyle fly through the edge of the world and, after traveling through some multicoloured tunnels, land in The Old West.

Example #2: 21 Jump Street

Jenko and Schmidt arriving at school, 21 Jump Street (2012)

Here’s the Outer Gateway from 2012’s 21 Jump Street:

Schmidt and Jenko arrive at school and begin their undercover case.

Example #3: Léon: The Professional

Mathilda and Leon walking to a new hotel to stay in, Léon: The Professional (1994)

Here’s the Outer Gateway from 1994’s Léon: The Professional:

It seems shooting out a window was not the best idea in the world, and Léon is evicted. As he and Mathilda walk to a hotel to stay in, he agrees to teach her how to clean.

Diving Deeper

If you want to learn more about the Outer Gateway, here’s a link to a free course on Universal Story Language. It’s included in Plotwell’s Ultimate Story Structure Mega-Course, which you can access totally free on their website:




Giovanni Bernardino

Absolutely obsessed with story structure. Master your writing skills today at plotwell.ca